A downloadable game

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How could you bear a partnership so vile?—Theseus, in Racine’s Phèdre 

The play’s the thing! In The Lesser Players’ Tale, a grubby troupe of Renaissance actors take their new play, a racy tragedy, on the road. Along the way, they’ll furiously adapt that play to the absurd whims of each new audience. Participants will perform The Lusty Queen (a sloppy, ten-minute adaptation of Racine’s Phèdre) many times as they scramble to master the material while holding their little family together across danger and opportunity.

Winner of the coveted Best Scenario Otto at Fastaval 2020! 

Number of participants: 6 who play actors and 1 or 2 facilitators 

Total time needed: 4 Hours 

Age limit: 18+ 

Amount of reading: About nine pages, including the script. 

Timeline: This game takes about four hours.

Materials: In addition to the materials in the file you'll need...

Six iconic character hats, perhaps a few more if you are able. A crown or two, a tiara, a clown’s hat, a gallant’s hat, a hennin, a veil, etc.

• A foam knife, pen, or other object to be the knife

• Assorted scarves, other hats, and so forth to costume the facilitators (Optional, but recommended)
• Tape, for marking the floor


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Lesser Players' Tale, all files 5.2 MB
Danske Uddelingskopier (Danish language version) 5.1 MB